Armenian Early Printed Books 1901 - 1920
Author: Ишханянъ, Бахши
Title: Великiе ужасы въ гор. Баку
Publisher (standardized): տպ. Մամուլ
Publisher (as it is on book): Типографiя Мамулъ
Place (standardized): Թիֆլիս
Place (as it is on book): Тифлисъ
Year of Publication: 1920
Notes: Анкетное изследованiе сентябрскихъ событiй 1918 г. Изданiе Анкетной Комиссiи при Бакинскомъ Армянскомъ Нацiональномъ Совете.
Чистый сборъ - въ пользу бакинскихъ армянъ-сиротъ.
Շարվ. 19x12,5 սմ։
3 չհ., 177, 4 չհ. էջ։
File size: 64,6 MB
Holdings: Armenia, Yerevan, National Library of Armenia
Year and Place of Digitization: 2016, National Library of Armenia
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Copyright: Reproduction and copyright information regarding this document is available from the National Library of Armenia